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Paradise Seeds

If you were lucky enough to visit Amsterdam during the nineties, you have probably tried some cannabis in one of the Dutch coffee shops and they were likely imported from South America or central Asia. If you weren’t a beginning smoker those days and that wasn’t your first legal marijuana cigarette, you must have felt a huge difference in quality. Such cannabis strains are noticeably better than ordinary joints. Paradise Seeds was among the first companies in the Netherlands to acquire marijuana varieties of a visibly higher quality than those grown in the North America.
Paradise Seeds was founded back in 1994, but before that date they spent 12 years on numerous tests and research. They’ve made a trial with various kinds of cannabis and in result they’ve managed to achieve the leading position on the cannabis market as the Netherlands. Aren’t you convinced by that? Well, let’s think about 25 awards which this seed bank has won since 1999. Paradise Seeds owns some important titles too - for example their Sensi Star got the ‘Plant of The Year 2003’ title, which is given by the High Times Magazine every year. All of those prizes speak for themselves, but if you still need more proofs, you can just read thousands of customers’ reports. Breeders and smokers admire Paradise Seeds’ products because of their incredible quality and a very unique taste of the weed.
All of seeds produced by this seed bank are made with an organic method. Paradise Seeds cares about a proper pollination of plants, which happens in a very strict, rigorous way. Such severity results in the highest possible quality. Cannabis seeds are picked by hand, so they could gain a germination rate which is around 95%. And what if you’d like to try yourself as a breeder? Well, Paradise Seeds is giving you a great opportunity which you should definitely consider. If your cannabis grows in a unique way and you have something to offer, send your seeds to their Dutch office. If they like it in Amsterdam, they may include them in their breeding process and your private invention will become popular all across the world!
Paradise Seeds’ crew has numerous strains in its offer. They differ in their qualities, so you can always choose the variety which you like the most. Do you prefer strains with a high THC content? Sensi Star is an unbeatable best-seller and a must-have of the all times. If you like to zone out listening to some psychedelic songs, Belladonna seeds are exactly what you need. Those of you who are more into some kind of medical treatment should try out strains like Wappa. It will help you deal with your medical issues because of its high CBD level. At Skunk24.com we have not only these three, but also many other products created by Paradise Seeds. The truth is, you can choose whatever you want, cause all of the seeds were tried, tested and carefully selected. Every decision will be a good one, so don’t waste any more time and make your home a private paradise!
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